Our vision and mission
As a Belgian not-for-profit organisation, we are committed to a digital and sustainable society through universally trusted and widely recognized domain name services.
By managing our domain name extensions (.be, .brussels and .vlaanderen), we promote opportunities and build trust in the internet for Belgium.
Values and future enablers

Security, quality and reliability
These values are the corner stones of the technical mission of DNS Belgium. The entire organisation and all its stakeholders recognise and support the fundamental importance of these values. Our current efforts on the security front are substantial. We will continue to invest so as to keep improving our security level.
Innovation and pro-activity
DNS Belgium wants to remain a reliable and innovative player in the domain name world. We can draw on thorough knowledge of the market to build innovative solutions.
DNS Belgium provides a high quality registration system to a network of 380 registrars . In addition, DNS Belgium ensures that the .be domain names are constantly available worldwide by guaranteeing the permanent accessibility of the name servers.
Our innovative and proactive approach to developments in the field enables us to guarantee a secure, high quality and stable internet in the future as well.
People and neutrality
These values are fundamental for DNS Belgium and its employees, so we pay unremitting attention to them. In concrete terms, we are constantly endeavouring to make the internet accessible to everyone, e.g. by keeping the price as low and the registration conditions as simple as possible.
At DNS Belgium we are neutral. Our activities are carried out independently from any political affiliation, language, culture, etc. We also assume a neutral attitude to all players in the digital society and approach everyone the same way: large and small registrars, registrants, etc. are treated with the same respect, and can count on the same quality.
DNS Belgium is very conscientious about the sustainability of its service, its suppliers and all partners involved, and is an active promoter of corporate social responsibility.
Our sustainability initiatives, embedded in our organisational policy since 2016, focus on the environment, social welfare and good governance.
We have defined our strategic objectives for each of these pillars. All our decisions and actions are checked against these objectives and their sustainability in the long term.