For registrars

Additional checks on creation and update registrant

01 July 2024

From 15 October 2024, we will apply stricter rules when you create or change a registrant contact. This requires adjustments to your own user interface or API! You can test what the effect is from today on our test environment Tryout.

Why are we doing this?  

We are doing this to improve the quality of our database. When you enter the data correctly, there is also less chance that the contact needs to be verified (Registrant Verification).

How does it work?  

  • When you create a new contact, you will immediately see which data is incorrect because we display an error message for each error. Once all the fields are filled in correctly, we create the contact.  
  • If you want to update some data of an existing contact, you may also receive an error message for another field that was not filled in correctly.  

You can find more information about these changes in our documentation.  

From now on, test this on Tryout!  

From now on, these changes are available on Tryout. Are you using a user interface or API? Then be sure to test how best to modify it to handle the errors in a user-friendly way before we go live with this.  

Contact support if you do not yet have an account on Tryout.  

If you have any questions or comments about this, contact us at