On Monday, 14 January 2019, we were elected climate ambassador for Flemish Brabant by the Milieu-infopunt voor de KMO(MiK) (Environmental Information Point for SMEs). We received the most votes ahead of our competitors Alpak and Adsomenoise.

We owe our nomination to our efforts to become climate neutral. This title is a recognition of our climate programme. We set ambitious goals with this programme to reduce our CO2 emissions and to mitigate the remaining CO2 emissions. In addition, we have assumed the responsibility for our emissions from the past by offsetting their consequences on global warming.
In addition to switching to a green energy supplier for our office, our climate programme comprises various actions to raise awareness about climate change among our employees. All employees attended an eco-driving course, and those who so wanted, exchanged their parking place for a budget for their lease bike.
At DNS Belgium, we think it is important to play a very active role when it comes to sustainability in the broadest meaning of the term. We want to motivate our partners and suppliers to do business in a more sustainable manner. As a small SME, we cannot make the difference on our own, but we can play a leading role. We can create an essential impact by pooling forces with all companies with which we work together.
We also wish to inspire and sponsor a solution in order to be able to attend international domain administrator conferences remotely, so that participants will travel less by plane. Last year, we also registered our most long-lasting CO2 savings: the migration of the registration and management platform of all domain names to a climate-neutral cloud solution.
We offset the remaining CO2 emissions by supporting projects in Belgium and abroad. We support an afforestation project in Essene, Flemish Brabant, via planteenbos.be, and CO2 redacing projects in Europe and the rest of the world via carbonfootprint.com.
We are convinced that in the medium term, all consumers will require their suppliers to do business in a socially responsible manner, otherwise they will change supplier.
You can read our sustainability report for 2018.
With this article, we support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.