
De Schaal van M

24 January 2024

Just as in 2023, DNS Belgium is this year's proud partner of De Schaal van M (or The Scale of M).

The Scale of M is a competition for children in the fifth and sixth year of primary school. Classes compete for the title of 'Most media-savvy class of Flanders'.

Media-savvy five-star classes

To win this prestigious title, participating classes need to carry out a number of assignments every game day in the week of February 19th. Every class that successfully completes a game day earns one star on The Scale of M logo.

In other words, all participating classes can easily collect five stars and win the honorary title of 'media-savvy five-star class'. Classes that have collected five stars and take part in an extra competition challenge can win fun, media-savvy prizes.

Read all about the competition for the fifth and sixth year. (Dutch only)

Free teaching materials

The Scale of M also offers free teaching materials for all primary school children (from year one to year six). The material meets many of the learning goals of the Media Savviness Curriculum and the attainment targets.

Check out the teaching materials for all the different years. (Dutch only)

Making youngsters more digitally resilient

DNS Belgium believes it's crucial that youngsters are aware of their online safety and of the risks and dangers of the internet and digital society.

DNS Belgium has launched several campaigns targeting young people to warn them about the dangers of the digital world. And it's also the reason why we're such enthusiastic supporters of this initiative.

Together with Mediawijs, Ketnet, Mediaraven, JEF, Link in de Kabel, Amai Vlaanderen and Kenniscentrum Data en Maatschappij, we are partners of The Scale of M. DNS Belgium devised a challenge for the participating classes and provides educational material and information that the classes can use as inspiration for the challenge.

With this article, we support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.