
May: immo

17 June 2022

Are we investing in buying and renovating real estate ('immo') in Liège these days, preferably without asbestos roofs ('asbest')? That is what the ten most used terms of domain names registered in May suggest.

Despite those plans, we still seem to have plenty of ‘time’. For some 'art' in our studio (or ‘atelier’), or a night out in Antwerp ('Antwerpen')... Of course, it starts with chips on the go (‘frituur’) before we end up in the club.

Position (Part of) word
1 group
2 immo
3 liege
4 service
5 invest
6 pro
7 construct
8 asbest
9 concept
10 design
11 info
12 studio
13 art
14 coaching
15 antwerpen
16 food
17 services
18 club
19 consulting
20 energy
21 izi
22 bouw
23 pizza
24 vzw
25 ads
26 atelier
27 bar
28 dak
29 event
30 events
31 projects
32 tech
33 bruxelles
34 digital
35 gent
36 auto
37 baby
38 belgium
39 dog
40 home
41 solutions
42 time
43 direct
44 europe
45 max
46 restaurant
47 top
48 expert
49 frituur
50 house

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