You have to provide some personal details when you register a domain name. One of the requested details is an e-mail address where we can contact you.
- Choose an e-mail address that is not linked to the domain name you wish to register. If there is a problem with your domain name, the e-mail address may no longer work either.
- Opt for an e-mail address that you check regularly, or set an automatic forwarding to an e-mail address that you check regularly.
- Opt for your own e-mail address, not the e-mail address of your registrar.
We will use your e-mail address only in order to:
- Send you the transfer code when moving/transferring your domain name to another party/registrar.
- Announce important changes to the terms and conditions.
- Inform you that the registrar managing your domain name has gone bankrupt.
- Apprize you of a third party's inquiries about your domain name, e.g. if they are interested in acquiring your domain name etc. A third party cannot contact you directly to that end, but can contact you via a contact form that we forward to your e-mail address.
You can unsubscribe at all times for all e-mails except for e-mails about our General Terms and Conditions and e-mails about the transfer code. To unsubscribe, please contact support.
Why is it so important to provide the correct e-mail address?
All communication about the foregoing issues goes to the e-mail address you provided when you registered your domain name.
Make sure that e-mail address works and that messages reach you.
Think carefully when you register a domain name for your company
Think carefully about whom you choose as the domain name holder and what e-mail address you provide as the contact address when you register a domain name for your organisation.
If you use the personal e-mail address of the webmaster, for instance, all communication about the domain name will end up in his personal mailbox. That's not a problem as long as that person continues to work for the organisation. But when that is no longer the case, your organisation can no longer be reached about your domain name.
When a personal e-mail address is used, it can lead to conflicts t between the partners of a company as to who actually owns a domain name. So take this into consideration when you register a domain name.
How can I change the e-mail address linked to my domain name?
You can change the e-mail address linked with your domain name very easily and completely free of charge via an update at your registrar.