What is a registration certificate?
The registration certificate provides a summary of the details of the private individual or organisation who/which at the time the document is requested, is registered as the
of the domain name, as stated in DNS Belgium’s registration system.
In this way, the registrant (private individual or organisation) may verify whether the domain name has been registered with DNS Belgium with the correct details and receive a document in pdf format drawn up and signed by DNS Belgium to this effect. The registrant may use this document for certain business transactions, such as applying for a digital certificate.
Who may request it and how?
DNS Belgium will only send the document stating the details of the registrant to the registrant’s e-mail address held in our registration system. Consequently, personal details are never sent out to third parties, nor can the feature be used by third parties to gain more extensive access to the details of .be registrants other than via the search function at our website.
Type your domain name below to request the registration certificate:
What if you discover that the details in the document do not correspond with the actual situation?
- In the event of minor errors (e.g. typographical errors in the name of the contact person, address and so on) or out-of-date details (e.g. invalid address), you may ask the registrar or intermediary to amend these details.
- If the domain name is registered in the name of a third party (e.g. the domain name is registered in the name of the intermediary to whom you gave the task of registration), please read the legal information or contact the DNS Belgium legal department.

What if you do not receive an e-mail from DNS Belgium?
If you have requested the registration certificate via the WHOIS page for your domain name and you do not receive a message from DNS Belgium, in the first instance check to see whether our message is in the spam folder of the application you use for your e-mail messages.
If this is not the case, it probably means that the e-mail address of the registrant, as stated in our registration system, is no longer accurate or that changes have been made (with or without your knowledge) to the e-mail address. Please contact your registrar/intermediary to have any changes made that may be required.
What if you receive a message from DNS Belgium without having requested a registration certificate?
It may be that someone else has requested the details of your domain name and that you, as the registrant, receive the message from DNS Belgium. You can then notify us that you no longer wish to receive messages from DNS Belgium by sending an e-mail to support@dnsbelgium.be. DNS Belgium will then deactivate this feature for your e-mail address in our registration system.
Validity of the document?
The document is only a reproduction of the details recorded in the DNS Belgium registration system for the domain name stated in the document at the time the document was drawn up. It confirms that the party identified on that date may be considered as the registrant of the domain name insofar as no prior modifications have been made in the DNS Belgium registration system in relation to the domain name (e.g. as the result of the domain name being transferred). The document issued in no way provides proof that the registrant identified has always been the holder of the aforementioned domain name in the past or since the original registration.
By issuing the document, DNS Belgium gives no guarantee or definitive legal answer as to the validity and/or legitimacy of the rights or claims vis-à-vis the registrant or any third party in relation to the domain name stated in the document. The assessment of any such rights or claims comes under the sole powers of the courts of law and/or bodies for the alternative settlement of disputes. The document issued is in no way valid as title of ownership of the domain name stated and gives only an indication as to the possible registrant.