We recently charted a new sustainability policy that creates a framework for our actions and efforts the corporate social responsibility front. This policy obviously builds on the sustainability strategy we defined in 2016. What we have achieved since 2016 constitutes the solid foundation on which we are pursuing our plans for 2025.
Those plans are still based on four pillars:
- Inspiring workplace
- Leader in security
- Digital awareness
- Sustainable supply chain management

Sustainable dealings with staff
DNS Belgium is a company that deals sustainably with its staff. That is why we conduct a progressive, sustainable and values-driven staff policy in which we focus on diversity, the development of our people and their welfare in and outside of work.
Our goal is to provide each employee with 12 training days per year. To achieve this goal, we will stress the importance of certain development paths and lower the threshold for them. We will promote a learning culture within our organisation by sharing knowledge.
We will draw up a diversity plan by November 2022 that we will implement as of 1 January 2023. We are doing this because we value diversity in our organisation. We are not talking only about gender and culture, but also about age and knowledge, for instance.
For DNS Belgium, the mental and physical well-being of its employees is of paramount importance. We have been taking action for years to promote general and personal well-being. At least six times a year, we organise a campaign for well-being that focuses on prevention, awareness raising, connecting and involvement. These range from sporting events to keynotes. We have 1 prevention advisor and 2 persons of trust on our staff at all times and communicate frequently about well-being, so as to minimise potential barriers to seeking help internally or externally.

High quality, secure internet
It is the mission of DNS Belgium to offer everyone a high-quality and secure internet experience. By 2025, we aim to verify all new domain names in our domain name zones (.be .brussels and .vlaanderen) in the most customer-friendly way possible, before they are put into the zone. This means that we check the details of those registering a domain name before we grant it.
We continue to invest and work with partners in order to track down fraudulent websites faster and take them offline.
In addition, DNS Belgium carries out four internal and two external audits of our internal security every year, so that we can renew our ISO27001 certification every three years.
As already mentioned, we invest in the competencies of our staff, including in the field of cyber security. By 2025, we will have included the basic cyber security competencies in all job profiles and all our employees will have attended the relevant training courses.
Finally, we also try to take a leading role in national and international cooperation bodies and in workgroups on cybersecurity. We participate in such workgroups at least six times a year.

Digital inclusion
We believe it is extremely important that everyone has sufficient skills, knowledge and insights to continue to participate critically in an increasingly digital society.
We take numerous initiatives to combat digital exclusion. We have signed the Digital Inclusion Charter and are actively endeavouring to achieve its objectives. Through DigitalForyouth.be - which, with our support, will be able to achieve its goals independently by 2025 - we are honing the digital skills of young people.
And by making our own services and applications easily accessible, we hope to make the Internet and its knowledge accessible to everyone.

Climate neutral year after year
DNS Belgium is aware of the impact that its business activities have on society and the environment. We track down any negative effects and endeavour to prevent, reduce, or offset them.
We calculate our carbon footprint annually and achieve a 3% linear reduction in our CO2 emissions each year compared with our emissions in 2016. By offsetting the CO2 actually produced, DNS Belgium has been climate-neutral for years in a row.
We are also developing a plan by the end of 2022 to involve our registrars in our sustainability strategy. We prefer local and sustainable initiatives and are adjusting our purchasing policy accordingly.
Finally, we also want to play an exemplary role on the sustainability front. We try to involve others in our sustainability strategy as much as possible, for example by communicating actively about sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
With this article, we support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.